Because our most important asset is our people, our priority first and foremost is creating a safe environment for our employees and visitors alike.
Safety takes precedence in everything we do, every day. That unwavering commitment instills a mindset to rethink every action with a focus on safety. We believe safety is the first step to creating operational excellence.

Safety Belief
We work with a belief that zero workplace incidents can and should be achieved. Every work shift and job starts with a tailboard and safety moment.
Our employees undergo annual safety training programs as well as monthly customized and hands-on training. We encourage our employees to participate on our Safety Committee to identify and mitigate emerging safety hazards and continually improve our safety environment.

Stop Work
We follow the OSHA Stop Work Policy, which dictates that if a worker observes an unsafe condition or behavior, they can and must stop work immediately to address the issue. Team members intervene for one another and ensure that everyone experience the assurance of a safe work environment. We chose not to look the other way!
“I could have saved a life that day, but I chose to look the other way. It wasn’t that I didn’t care; I had the time, and I was there. But I didn’t want to seem a fool or argue over a safety rule. I knew he’d done the job before, if I spoke up, he might get sore. The chances didn’t seem that bad; I’d done the same, he knew I had. So, I shook my head and walked by; he knew the risk as well as I. He took the chance. I closed an eye; and with that act I let him die. I could have saved a life that day, but I chose to look the other way. Now every time I see his wife, I know I should have saved his life. That guilt is something I must bear; but isn’t something you need to share. If you see a risk that others take that puts their health or life at stake; the question asked or thing you say, could help them live another day. If you see a risk and walk away, then hope you never have to say. “I could have saved a life that day, but I chose to look the other way.”
“I Chose To Look The Other Way” by Don Merrill